Local Bocal January 2020
To all players of double reed instruments, Happy New Year!
Here is a photo of our final event for 2019 which was a lot of fun for us and the passers-by. Carols on 9th Avenue, St Peters There is a sound and motion version on our Facebook page.
To current members of the Australasian Double Reed Society, don’t forget to renew your 2020 subscription this month, and to any prospective new members, JOIN now to receive membership benefits for the whole year – discounted prices for local and national events, free classified advertising on the website and three issues of Reeding Matter (journal of the ADRS Inc.) http://adrs.org.au/web/
ADRSSA 2020 Events
Sun 23rd Feb 4pm to 7pm Quiznic (that’s a quiz crossed with a picnic)
420 Carrington Street, Adelaide
BYO picnic basket, blanket/ chairs & beverages (also cups or glasses to drink from!)
Bookings essential
Sizzling sausages,
& cakes on sale to augment what you bring in your picnic basket.
Admission: $15 ADRS members
$20 Non-members
To book tickets please email: Caryl Lambourn
This will be a social event for all players, friends and family with a slight music/ double reed bias, though it will include general knowledge questions. Organise your team now! There will be an opportunity for the winning team to win a prize basket along with other prizes awarded for individual puzzles and questions.
Josie Hawkes is currently out of action and will shortly be having back surgery. We wish her well and hope that she makes good progress so that she and her husband Tom can host this event…..and so that she can regain her life!
We have yet to organise other events for 2020 so please let us know if you have any requests or suggestions of activities you would like to participate in
Upcoming event:
Following a concert as part of The Little Music Room series, Austral Harmony will host a Bach-Akademie on Sunday 19th April 2020 from 2 - 5pm. This will involve a presentation on Bach Portraiture by Mark Smith, a demonstration of the baroque instruments with which Bach was familiar, and an ensemble session tutored by members of Austral Harmony. Thanks to Jane Downer for this information.