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Local Bocal August 2024

Dear Double Reeders, here is some news and some dates for your diary.

 Congratulations to all those who participated in the Performance Practice session on Sunday 28th July. We heard pieces played by Anthony Radogna and his Trio( Martinu, Oboe Quartet), Tim Rosen (Dutilleux, Sarabande and Cortege), Genevieve Lim( Gliere, Song) Eva Li (Handel, Siciliana), Steve Salomon (St Saens, The Swan), Maddy Glover( Vivaldi Sonata 3in A minor)), and Mia Callaghan (Pleyel Andante and Rondo). The accompanist, Stephen van der Hoek, did a mighty job of supporting the players and the mentors, Josh Oates (oboe) and Margot Dean (bassoon) were pleased with all the players and gave personalised oral and written feedback. We are sure that all the participants enjoyed and benefited from the session. It is good to take the challenge to play in front of an audience. There seems little point in putting in all the hard work and then not actually performing to anybody anywhere. It as also reassuring to know that even experienced players can find solo playing unnerving.  

Marryatville HS has been booked for the following dates.  (Thanks, Josie!)
If you have not yet, please register now for the following:

Wednesday 14 August 7pm to 9pm (Big Blow). More people are needed or it will be a very Small Blow.

Wednesday 4 September 7pm to 9pm (Impressionist Music to Reed By! Rehearsal 1)

Monday 9 September 7pm to 9pm (Impressionist Music to Reed By! Rehearsal 2)

Friday 13 September 7pm to 9pm (Impressionist Music to Reed By! Rehearsal 3)

Sunday 27 October 2pm to 4 pm (Concert for Exam Prep or Performance Practice.)

St John's Church has been booked for Sunday 15 September @ 3pm for Impressionist Music to Reed By!

Put these dates in your diaries now!!

 As promised, here is some information about the Elder Conservatorium Double Reed Mega Day that’s taking place on Sunday September 1st. The day will include a warm-up session, oboe and bassoon masterclasses, audition preparation discussion and a concert with solo, chamber and mass double reed choir performances. Matthew Wilkie (Principal Bassoon with the Chamber Orchestra of Europe and Principal Emeritus Bassoon with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra) is flying in from Sydney as a special guest for the day.

The Los Angeles Philharmonic Wind Quintet will be in Adelaide in the last week of September. The French horn player is originally from Adelaide. There will be a double- reed masterclass at the Conservatorium on the 24th September, 4.30-6.30 pm with Ricardo Barbosa(oboe) and Whitney Crockett(bassoon). It will be for senior students but those who are less experienced are urged to attend for the very valuable experience of listening to high calibre teachers giving advice to up- and coming players as you all are! The quintet will also be giving concerts at the Conservatorium on Friday lunchtime 27th September and at Ukaria on Sunday 29th.

The ADRS Conference and Competitions will be held on the Gold Coast at the end of September. See the ADRS website for details. This is an excellent opportunity to immerse yourself in the Double Reed world. It is school holidays so being in Queensland would be fabulous.

Anthony Radogna will be performing the Martinů Quartet H.315 for Violin, Oboe, Cello and Piano at a Chamber Musicians Concert on Sunday 11 August 2024 at St. Theodore’s Anglican Church - 46 Prescott Tce, Toorak Gardens at 2pm. For more details, email Anthony at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Anybody is welcome to attend the concert.

Violin - Emily McDonald

Oboe - Anthony Radogna

Cello - Janis Svilans

Piano - Shawn Hui

Please consider supporting fellow players by attending their concerts.

 And by letting us know when you have gigs coming up so we can all be there for you.

TEACHERS, please encourage your students to add their names to our mailing list so they will get information about sessions we are running or events they may wish to attend. We rely on you to let us know who your students are so that they can be included in our plans.

Best wishes,

 Caryl Lambourn

 Josie Hawkes OAM

 Alison Stewart- Klein

          Tim Rosen

          Josh Oates